Airlift Flyers Aviation Corp.
Call Us: 305-470-1500

Time & Distance

Headings, Distances and Flight Time Estimates from Miami, Florida (KMIA) to destination in Nautical Miles (N.M.), Statute Miles (S.M.) and Kilometers (Km.).

Travel times shown in this table assume non-stop flights at cruise speed of 150 knots (277.5 Km/h) for most piston twins or 200 knots (370 Km/h) for most turbo-prop twins. Depending on aircraft range, add approximately one hour for fuel stops. For travel time on most small to medium size jets calculate half of the time shown for piston aircraft.

ICA0 City and IATA Airport Country Heading N.M. S.M. Km. at 150 at 200
MZBZ Belize City  (BZE) Belize SW  223.8º  666 767 1234 4:27 3:20
TDBP Marigot (DOM) Dominica SE  116.2º 889 1023 1647 8:12 6:09
MDSD Santo Domingo (SDQ) Dominican Rep SE  124.6º 841        
MDPD Puerto Plata (POP) Dominican Rep
MDCR Cabo Rojo (CBJ) Dominican Rep            
MSLP El Salvador  (SAL) El Salvador SW  215.5º 5:56 4:27
TGPY St. George’s   (GND) Grenada SE  124.7º 1334 1553 2470 8:54 6:40
SYCJ Georgetown  (GEO) Guyana SE  128.5º 1711 1969 3169 11:24 8:33
MGGT LaAurora  (GUA) Guatemala SW  227.7º 884 1017 1637 5:53 4:25
MGTK Flores/ El Peten   (FRS) Guatemala SW  227.1º 754 869 1397 5:02 3:46
MTPP Port-au-Prince  (PAP) Haiti SE  132.5º 620 713 1148 4:45 3:44
MTCH Cap Haitien  (CAP) Haiti SE  127.3º 577 664 1068 4:26 3:19
MHTG Tegucigalpa  (TGU) Honduras SW  210.4º 803 924 1487 6:10 4:37
MHLM San Pedro Sula  (SAP) Honduras SW  216.2º 752 866 1393 5:01 4:20
MHLC La Ceiba   (LCE) Honduras SW  212.8º 705 811 1305 4:42 3:31
MNMG Managua  (MGA) Nicaragua SW  203.3º 881 1041 1633 5:52 4:25
TKPN Newcastle  (NEV) Nevis St. Kitts SE  113.9º 1114 1282 2063 7:26 5:34
TKPK Basseterre  (SKB) St. KittsNevis SE  113.8º 1104 1271 2045 7:22 5:31
TVSU UnionIsland  (UNI) St. Vincent SE  122.9º 1328 1528 2459 8:51 6:38
SMJP Paramaribo  (PBM) Suriname SE  125.8º 1887 2171 3494 12:35 9:26


Note: Information on this site is provided by Great Circle Mapper ( and is not valid for flight planning or navigation. No warranty of fitness for any purpose is made or implied. Flight planning and navigation requires the use of official current charts.

What countries are served byALFAAERO and why?

ALFAAERO serves missions to the most economically deprived nations of theCaribbeanandAmericawithin range of most twin-engine General Aviation aircraft departing fromSouth Florida.

The UN’s Human Development Report provides the criteria in the Human Development Index (HDI), a comparative measure of life expectancy, literacy, education and standards of living for regions worldwide.

The countries in the neediest category based on the HDI in the non-Spanish speaking Caribbeanregion are Haiti and Suriname at the high end of the spectrum of poverty incidence with an estimated 65% and 63% respectively of the populations below the poverty line.

Clustered in the 30% – 40% group are Belize, Dominica, Grenada, Guyana, St. Kitts and Nevis and St. Vincent and the Grenadines.

In Central Americathe highest HDI incidences are found in Guatemala, Nicaragua, Honduras and El Salvador.