Airlift Flyers Aviation Corp.
Call Us: 305-470-1500


Coordinator Job Description


Originate and coordinate air transportation and hospitality services to support a diversity of mission volunteers representing charitable international missions journeying through South Florida.

Apply protocol to validate authenticity and compliance of organizations soliciting our services.

Originate and coordinate ground transportation requests from charitable organizations to greet their mission personnel at local airports and match their requirements with our pool of volunteer drivers and host volunteers.

Coordinate requests from organizations requiring free airlift services for their volunteer personnel and donated cargo connecting through South Florida airports to overseas airports matching the requirements of the mission to volunteer pilots and private aircraft.

Coordinate free pick up and return to / from area airports, arrange free overnight accommodations for volunteers and free warehousing and drayage of airfreight related to the organization’s international mission.

Maintain, update and use web-based log of available ground volunteers, host volunteers and pilot volunteers to accomplish the responsibilities of the job.

Maintain, update and use web-based log of mission status, pending or accomplished.

Experience in database administration, office management, people-person with excellent phone skills, website upgrade, design and development, organizational managements of small groups, ability to handle moderate stress normally associated with deadlines and time-tables.